St. Peregrine Cancer Shrine

Pastor’s Page

The St. Peregrine Shrine: A Place of Encounter with the Lord.

The St. Peregrine Shrine is a home to everybody especially those who suffer from serious illness, particularly cancer.  St. Peregrine is the patron saint of persons suffering from cancer, AIDS and other serious diseases.

Born in Forli, Italy that was governed by the Pope as part of the Papal States, Peregrine grew up in an affluent family that was anti-papal.  When Philip Benizi, the head of Servants of Mary (the Servite Order) was sent to preach reconciliation with the community, Peregrine, who was 18 years old, did not only heckle but struck him.  Philip did not react with anger but instead turned and forgave Peregrine.

That encounter with Philip changed Peregrine.  What a healing miracle!  His heart was softened and re-channeled to doing good works and eventually joined the Servite Order in Siena, Italy.  He went back to his home place and dedicated his life serving the poor and the sick.

When he was in his sixties, a tumor grew on his leg and was diagnosed as cancer.  The doctor decided to have the affected leg amputated.  While praying Peregrine saw a vision of Jesus descending from the cross to heal his leg.  When he woke up, his leg was completely cured.  Another healing miracle!

The St. Peregrine Shrine of Christ the King provides a place of encounter with the Lord.  It is a place where a healing miracle is not only expected to happen, but an effect to one whose heart is softened by the love of God.

Welcome to the St. Peregrine Shrine of Christ the King Parish.

God bless,
Father Rolyn Francisco

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